martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

To be or not to be....

Nuke or not?

This is the question we must be asking ourselves these days. The recent events in the Japanese Nuclear plants have made the "inconvenient topic" take a stand.

Meanwhile, people are living next to Nuclear Reactors leading "normal" lives....or at least this is what we are "forced" to think. Do not forget Erin was not just a film, it was a real story, and this year she (the real character) has began a new fight against the same company, for the same you be the judge of your thoughts.

The corporations have grown in size, in profits and workers; but they have forgotten to invest in their own moral values....if they have I do apologize for misjudging them.

Nuclear energy, and most of all, nuclear radiation is a topic in which everyone seems to have high levels of expertise. I sometimes feel completely lost... "cold war education", my own worries and logical deductions, the media, and all these experts that seem to know more than anyone....

I got curious and started to dig. I'll share with all of you some of the findings I've come across:

1.- A nuclear disaster and the radiation it emiits, has no comparison what so ever to the levels of an X-Ray , a Computed tomography or a Magnetic resonance. These tests are indeed "radio-active"; but they are nowhere near the levels that one of these nuclear reactors emits when it has "a problem". So I would dare to say, it is useless for some lobbies to use this as a "don't worry" statement...

2.- Nuclear power requires certain elements, that put together create toxic waste that will be present & active in the world for 65.000 years. Now, this is something we should consider....not just because it will affect "our" future, our generations and siblings, but because will we condition the land in which they live in....they will be forced to emigrate to remote "pollution-free" spaces...I don’t even want to think about it.

3.- Nuclear disasters have been a frequent thing. They started long ago in the 50´s in the USSR, deeply silenced by the tough iron fist of communism, in the late 70´s the USA had its chance with "Three Mile Island", then Chernobyl, and now Japan. Well, there have been many many? well 2.053....and this is the "registered" record.

Just point out that "nuclear disaster" includes: testing and experimenting with nuclear energy. I may also add that I have not authorized this...maybe I have and this is hidden somewhere within the roots of the small print you sign when you are a citizen of some countries.

Check out the video, it is long but it is very clear. We can see who is responsible for what....I am afraid to say, there are no surprises here:

4.- Radioactivity affects the Human Body...period. No need to explain how, where, when nor what...we just know that if affects it all.

5.- Radioactive waste will outlive us. Why don't we invest some of our time and energy in developing a sustainable way to treat this harmful waste if we are going to depend on it?

So we really need to re-evaluate thing
s, think big, but also think green (not the topic) but really think where will the electric energy for new cars and motorcycles come from?, the energy for your AC, where does it come from?, the energy that lets you read this blog, where does it come from?....

I know we need energy, let’s look for it.......or do we want to have "extreme holidays?

I am sure that we have our own opinion, so I would like to hear your comments regarding this issue.

martes, 1 de marzo de 2011

Sorry for the delay, but we HAVE been working!!!

Just to let everyone know that we've not been wasting fact, time is one of those precious items which we are lurking for!

It turns out to be that the time we've all got is been used for us by people we, sometimes, don't even know!!!

We would have loved to be laying on a virgin island, or tropical beach with refreshing drinks in our hands living the life most of the Dictators that have been brought down have lived for the last 40 years....sometimes with the "benevolent blessing" of the USA (what a shame...another dark event that has seen the light!)

As I said, living the life of a Dictator had its pros...they never thought it would turn back on them....that their people would one day awake from the "hypnosis" they had been placed under.

All must be said and done, but we have forgotten to mention the fact that we (westerners) have not just yet have experienced the full consequences of our neglection, our benevolent speech and innocence. All these problems have had people at The English Man ( completely "distracted" enough!

Life is great and full of beautiful things that make us Thank the Universe...this is why we have been "spending" our time preparing everything for our Summer Camp. This year we have managed to enhance our quality to a higher level. We have joined forces with a great place in Cardona for our campers.

Please don't forget to check out our web, admissions are open and we've got limited vacancies (only 20 campers per week). This year we'll have horses, excursions, farm activities, cooking classes, outings amongst other activities. I just can't forget to pin point the fact that the Camp is in English and there is a 24 hr "total immersion" and that there will be 3 hours of class a day....this is FYI.

Hope all of you have a pleasant week, have had a great month and that the future shines on all.